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Recreation Activities


Bright red snowmobile racing through the woods

Embrace winter by snowmobiling scenic, snow-capped trails at forest preserves throughout Lake County. Snowmobilers can use over 21 miles of designated trails within the preserves, many of which connect to other area snowmobile trails.

Lake County snowmobile trails do not open until December 10, even if there is snow prior to this date and will close by March 31 even if there is snow after this date. A 4-inch snow base and frozen ground are required to open snowmobile trails. In many preserves, snowmobile trails are routed to protect wildlife and sensitive natural areas. Snowmobilers should use caution and watch for trail route signs along all preserve snowmobile trails.

Hours and Locations

When conditions allow, snowmobile trails are open 6:30 am–11 pm, Sunday–Thursday, and 6:30 am–midnight, on Fridays and Saturdays. The following snowmobile trailer parking lots are open extended hours for snowmobilers. All other lots close at dusk.

  • Van Patten Woods Canoe Launch on Russell Road east of Route 41, for northern Des Plaines River Trail access.
  • Sedge Meadow main entrance on Wadsworth Road east of Route 41, for northern Des Plaines River Trail access.
  • Lakewood Forest Preserve Horse Trailer lot, located on the west end of Ivanhoe Road/Brown Road near Route 12.

NOTE: Some preserve locations listed on the snowmobile trail maps are open to the public (except farmlands and select other sites as posted). However, facilities are not available and parking must comply with local traffic regulations. Locations other than those listed below are not designated for use.

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Designated Trails Miles and Maps Trailer Parking and Trail Access
Des Plaines River Trail northern access only, Wadsworth

8-mile section from Russell Road to just south of Wadsworth Road. Map »

At Van Patten Woods main entrance Shelter A parking on Route 173 and at canoe launch entrance on Russell Road east of Route 41.

At Sedge Meadow's main entrance on Wadsworth Road east of Route 41.

Grant Woods, Ingleside 5 miles. Map » At preserve's north entrance on Grand Avenue, at preserve's main entrance Shelter A parking, and at preserve's south entrance on Rollins Road.
Lakewood, Wauconda 6 miles. Map » At west end of Ivanhoe Road/Brown Road near Route 12, and by Route 176.
Nippersink, Volo 2 miles. Map » No trailer parking is available.

Status Map

Check the status map below before heading how to the preserves. View a larger map.



Snowmobiles must be registered and titled with the state of Illinois. Learn more »


As you share the many multi-use trails in your Lake County Forest Preserves with others, please follow these rules of common sense and be courteous to all trail users.

For a regional snowmobile trail map or to join a local snowmobile club, visit the Illinois Association of Snowmobile Clubs.


  • Photo of two snowmobiles riding the trails
  • Bright red snowmobile racing thru the woods
  • SNOWMOBILE-SDME-20230204-JustineNeslund-116
  • Photo of snowmobile racing thru the forest preserve

Images © R.Scott McNeill, Justine Neslund