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Wildlife Monitor


Monitoring programs
Trainings are hosted late winter/early spring, most programs require a season-long commitment.
Calling Frog Survey (Training in Feb.  Evening monitoring, commitment Mar - July)
Dragonfly Monitoring (Training ~April.  Monitoring June - Sept)
Butterfly Monitoring (Training ~April.  June - July)
Breeding Bird Survey (June) for advanced birders, must be comfortable hiking off-trail


Programs that can be joined without training:
Bee Spotter
IL Beach Hawk Watch (fall)




Gather data on select animal species in our preserves. The data collected increases our understanding and helps in the preservation of the species. Monitors use a prescribed protocol to gather and record information. May work independently or with trained personnel. Attendance at a training program is required.

How to Apply

Click on the above links to get more details & sign up!



Volunteer Interest Form


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