Dinosaur Tales
Age 4–Grade 2
Illinois Learning Standards
Available year-round.
What are fossils and what can they tell us about life long ago? Learn more by looking at fossil casts from dinosaurs that roamed this land more than 65 million years ago.
Field Trip
Runs 45 minutes.
Location: Dunn Museum, Libertyville
Program Pricing |
Resident |
Nonresident |
Per Student |
$2 |
$4 |
15 student minimum, 30 student maximum.
For schools eligible for the Gateways Grant program, the program fee is waived and a transportation stipend is issued after the program date.
In-School Program
Runs 45 minutes.
Program Pricing |
Resident |
Nonresident |
Per Group |
$60 |
$80 |
Additional Group* |
$40 |
$55 |
Gateways Grant-Eligible Schools |
Resident |
Nonresident |
Per Group |
$50 |
N/A |
Additional Group* |
$20 |
N/A |
*Groups must attend the same program on the same date.