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Contract No. 25016 - 25016 District Wide Paving and Patching

Project Number: 25016
Title: 25016 District Wide Paving and Patching

The work quantities listed on the Bid Schedule, Drawings, Attachments, Schedule, and elsewhere in the Contract Documents are approximate and are intended for comparison of bids only and do not constitute a "guaranty" of the amount of work to be performed. Actual work quantities may vary significantly. The Lake County Forest Preserve District reserves the right to increase or decrease quantities ordered under this contract. Payment shall be made only for the amount of each Payment Item quantity actually installed. Measurement and payment for work shall be in accordance with the Standard Specifications as modified below. The work required to complete the project as described in the drawings and Specifications not specifically addressed in this Section shall be incidental to the Payment Items listed. Items of work outside the scope of the project, ordered by the Owner, will be paid for as quantity extensions under the following Payment Items, or, if not covered by these Payment Items, as Extra Work as defined in Article 109.04 of the “Standard Specifications”. The price bid for each payment item shall include all work required to complete the item including a proportionate allocation of contractor overhead and profit, and shall not include costs more properly allocated to other payment items.

Target Advertised Date: 2/6/2025
Target Due Date: 2/27/2025 11:00:00 AM
Project Number: 25016
Title: 25016 District Wide Paving and Patching
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