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Contract No. 25017 - 25017 Half Day Forest Preserve Maintenance Shop Renovations

Project Number: 25017
Title: 25017 Half Day Forest Preserve Maintenance Shop Renovations

Exterior and interior renovations to the Maintenance Shop. Contractor to provide all labor and materials necessary to complete the exterior and interior renovations for the Maintenance Shop at Half Day Forest Preserve.

Locations: Half Day
Contact: Mike Zahalka
Phone: 847-968-3219
Advertised Date: 2/14/2025
Due Date: 03/14/2025 10:30 AM, CST
Due Description: Please follow the steps in the documents to upload your electronic submission. Late bids will not be accepted.
Presubmittal Meeting: 02/21/2025 9:00 AM, CST
Presubmittal Meeting Details: A mandatory pre-bid conference will be held for the project on February 21, 2025 at 9:00 a.m. local time, at the Half Day Forest Preserve Maintenance Shop 24255 N Hwy 21 Vernon Hils, IL 60060. Each prospective Bidder may conduct an inspection of the Work Site, the surrounding area, and all local conditions, including subsurface, underground, and other concealed conditions, after the pre-bid conference.
Questions Due
02/27/2025 10:00 AM, CST
Questions Details: If any prospective Vendor is in doubt as to the true meaning of any part of the Package, such prospective Vendor shall submit to Owner an email, not later than the date and time listed above, directed to Owner's Purchasing Division,, for an interpretation thereof.

Bid Security.  Each Bidder’s Proposal shall be accompanied by a security deposit of at least 10% of the Bidder’s Price Proposal in the form of (1) a cashier’s check or certified check drawn on a solvent bank insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and payable without condition to Owner; or (2) a Bid Bond in the form included in the Bid Package, or a form otherwise approved by Owner, from a surety company licensed to do business in the State of Illinois with a general rating of A and a financial size category of Class III or better in Best’s Insurance Guide.  If the required bid security/bond is not submitted with your bid proposal, your bid proposal will be rejected.

Performance and Payment Bonds.  The successful Bidder will be required to furnish a Performance Bond and a Labor and Material Payment Bond upon award of the Contract, each in the penal sum of the full amount of the Contract Price, on forms provided in the Bid Package from such a surety company meeting the requirements set forth above.  Each Bidder’s Proposal shall be accompanied by a letter from such a surety company stating that it will execute Bonds on forms provided in the Bid Package upon award of the Contract to Bidder.  If the required letter from your surety company is not submitted with your bid proposal, your bid proposal may be rejected.

Insurance.  The successful Bidder will be required to furnish certificates and policies of insurance as required by Section 4.2 of the Contract upon award of the Contract.  Each Bidder’s Proposal shall be accompanied by a letter from Bidder’s insurance carrier or its agent certifying that said insurer has read the requirements set forth in the Contract and will issue the required certificates and policies of insurance upon award of the Contract to Bidder.  If the required letter from your insurance carrier/agent is not submitted with your bid proposal, your bid proposal may be rejected. 

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Project Number: 25017
Title: 25017 Half Day Forest Preserve Maintenance Shop Renovations
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Project Number: 25017
Title: 25017 Half Day Forest Preserve Maintenance Shop Renovations
AGAE Contractors189 Gordon Street Elk Grove VillageIL60007 Frank Kutschke
Tel: 847-774-1343
AGAE Contractors, Inc189 Gordon St Elk Grove VillageIL60007 Olga Ilyash
Tel: 773-777-2240
ALFA Chicago Inc4100 W Belmont Ave Suite 5ChicagoIL60641 Bash
Tel: 847-691-9733
alliance concrete sawing570 rock rd dr suite 5 east dundeeIL60118 sean chambers
Tel: 847-736-2601
Antigua, inc676 N LaSalle Ste 300 ChicagoIL68654 Edith De La Cruz
Tel: 312-273-4077
Fax: 312-667-0183
Bee Liner Lean Services8401 S Thomas A2BridgeviewIL60455 Brandi Richerme
Tel: 815-274-3262
BidClerk Inc.28 N Clark St. Suite 450ChicagoIL60602 Dan Jackson
Tel: 877-737-6482
Fax: 877-737-6482
Blackridge Research & consulting4041 w Hollow Creek Drive, PeoriaIL61615 Venkatesh Siva
Tel: 917-993-7467
Boller Construction Company Inc.3045 Washington Street WaukeganIL60085 Josh Boller
Tel: 847-662-5566
Fax: 847-662-7392
C.P.R. Roofing Inc3235 Dartmouth Dr RockfordIL61108 C.P.R. Roofing Inc
Tel: 815-399-6989
Camosy Incorporated 43451 N. US Hwy 41 ZionIL60099 Candy L. Crawford
Tel: 847-395-6800
DataBid433 Penn St. NewtownPA18940 Tania Campbell
Tel: 888-929-3282
DDAnalytics2860 S State Hwy 161, Ste. 160 #501Grand PrairieTX75052 Elaine Wilson
Tel: 413-507-0211
Fax: 609-336-2767
Efraim Carlson & Son14052 Petronella Dr. Suite 105 LibertyvilleIL60048 Matt Hillstrom
Tel: 847-573-1888
Government Contracts USA15 British American Blvd. LathamNY12110 BidNet
Tel: 800-677-1997
Harbour Contractors, Inc.23830 West Main Street PlainfieldIL60491 Ragan Pattison
Tel: 815-545-6642
Hoffmann Custom Designs, Inc.888 Tower Rd MundeleinIL60060-3822 Jim Hoffmann
Tel: 847-362-9404
Industria Inc2860 S river road, suite 100 Des PlainesIL60018 Industria Inc
Tel: 312-599-6665
Integrity Developers Inc.2835 Belvidere Rd Suite 110 WaukeganIL60085 Peter
Tel: 847-599-2477
Fax: 847-599-2479
Integrity Developers Inc. 2835 Belvidere Rd Suite 110 Waukegan IL60085 Peter Wala
Tel: 847-599-2477
Fax: 847-599-2479
Kandu Construction Inc.8055 Ridgeway Ave SkokieIL60076 Jacob
Tel: 847-779-3616
Lake County Forest Preserves1899 W. Winchester Rd. LibertyvilleIL60048 Linda Thompson
Tel: 847-968-3325
Lake County Forest Preserves1899 W. Winchester Rd LibertyvilleIL60048 Lisa Roberts
Tel: 847-968-3210
Lake County Forest Preserves1899 West Winchester Road LibertyvilleIL60048 Michael Zahalka
Tel: 847-968-3219
Lake County Mechanical Inc328 North Ave AntiochIL60002 Shaun Kelly
Tel: 847-989-4649
Liebe Construction Services LLC586 Jennifer Cir MundeleinIL60060 Kevin Liebe
Tel: 224-239-3978
LZ Design Build Group1901 N Roselle Rd Suite 800SchaumburgIL60195 Frank Lesny-Zborek
Tel: 808-690-7689
MAG Construction Co.629 Homewood Avenue Highland ParkIL60035 Gizena Sullivan
Tel: 847-432-7783
Fax: 847-432-4847
Maman Corp1055 Arthur Ave Elk Grove VillageIL60007 Daniel Anderson
Tel: 224-464-7189
Maman Corp1055 Arthur Ave Elk Grove villageIL60010 Guy Ranallo
Tel: 847-358-2688
Maman Corp1055 Arthur Ave Elk Grove VillageIL60007 Joseph Gentile
Tel: 224-527-0813
Manusos General Contracting Inc.91 Christopher Way Fox LakeIL60020 Laurie Halcom
Tel: 847-973-0600
Fax: 847-973-0900
McNelly Services, Inc430 Telser Road LAKE ZURICHIL60047 Brian Paladino
Tel: 847-726-9400
Mid-West Moving & Storage, Inc.1255 Tonne Road Elk Grove VillageIL60007 Esther Swaney
Tel: 847-621-5157
MK Industries inc.998 Forest Edge Dr Vernon HillsIL60061 Lucas Wicks
Tel: 847-949-0200
MK Industries Inc.998 Forest Edge Drive Vernon HillsIL60061 Tony Sacchetti
Tel: 847-452-9843
Ms Sebastian Painting Inc. 6228 North Rockwell St. ChicagoIL60659 Jesus Sebastian
Tel: 872-208-5755
Ogni Group140 E Commercial St suite 1 Wood DaleIL60191 Chandu Chunchu
Tel: 772-906-9305
Onvia Inc509 Olive Way Suite 400SeattleWA98101 Source Management
Tel: 206-373-9000
Fax: 888-263-7801
Prime Vendor Inc.4622 Cedar Avenue WilmingtonNC28403 Kim Jones
Tel: 800-746-9554
Property First5472 Park Ave Hazel Crest IL60429 Jeremy Jordan
Tel: 708-299-6308
QTO SOLUTIONS123 Texas texasUT84097 Muhammad zaryab ashraf
Tel: 816-708-0080
Rasch Construction4715 Green Bay Road KenoshaWI53144 Steve Rasch
Tel: 262-657-6542
Red Feather Group711 Becker Rd GlenviewGlenviewIL60025 John Sochacki
Tel: 847-710-3930
Red Feather Group711 Becker Road GlenviewIL60025 John Sochacki
Tel: 773-443-1835
RM Chin & Associates500 W 18th Street #200ChicagoIL60616 Ryan Pavlik
Tel: 312-401-7287
Stuckey Construction Co., Inc.2020 N. Lewis Avenue WaukeganIL60087 Paul Stuckey
Tel: 847-336-8575
Stuckey Construction Company, Inc.2020 N. Lewis Avenue WaukeganIL60087 Paul Stuckey
Tel: 847-336-8575
Fax: 847-336-8748
The Hezner Corporatoin678 Broadway LibertyvilleIL60048 Patricia Green
Tel: 847-918-3800
Top Roofing2206 N. Main St. Ste. 204 WheatonIL60187 Abner Catugy
Tel: 630-677-8413
Workmasters, Inc220 Graceland Ave Des PlainesIL60016 joe Gallo
Tel: 8472999675
Fax: 847-299-2829
YAD Construction LLC101 Marion St Suite 203 Oak ParkIL60301 Yaw Dwomoh
Tel: 312-428-6349
Project Number 25017
Date: 3/14/2025 10:30:00 AM
Title: 25017 Half Day Forest Preserve Maintenance Shop Renovations
Bid Deposit: Yes
Addendum: 5
Purchasing Contact: Mike Zahalka