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Contract No. 24002 - 24002 Ecological Monitoring Services Provider

Project Number: 24002
Title: 24002 Ecological Monitoring Services Provider

The District is requesting proposals from an academic institution (or similar organization) who shall provide qualified field staff with appropriate training and transportation to assist with collection of ecological monitoring program data.  Specifically, the District is seeking two (2) qualified wildlife monitoring technicians to collect comprehensive amphibian, reptile, mammal, fish and invertebrate monitoring data 37.5 hours per week for an approximately 6-month period beginning May 1, 2024 until approximately October 31, 2024; two (2) qualified plant monitoring technicians to collect comprehensive herbaceous vegetation monitoring data 37.5 hours per week for an approximately 4-month period beginning June 1, 2024 until approximately September 30, 2024; and one (1) qualified plant monitoring technician to collect comprehensive tree and shrub monitoring program data 37.5 hours per week for an approximately 4-month period beginning December 1, 2024 until approximately March 31, 2025.  Included in this work are all indirect and overhead costs such as transportation, mileage reimbursements, benefits, and administrative costs (see attached scope of services for details).  All equipment and supplies needed to conduct monitoring will be provided by the District.

Contact: Mike Zahalka
Phone: 847-968-3219
Project Number: 24002
Title: 24002 Ecological Monitoring Services Provider
No events have been logged for this contracting opportunity.
Project Number: 24002
Title: 24002 Ecological Monitoring Services Provider
EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc., PBC225 Schilling Circle Suite 400Hunt ValleyMD21031 Kathleen Voigt
Tel: 410-584-7000
ENCAP, Inc.2585 Wagner Court DeKalbIL60115 Brett Suhayda
Tel: 815-748-4500
EnvirobidnetPO BOX 18999 Pt CharlotteFL34286 Cindy Soler
Tel: 888-888-0900
Gary R. Weber Associates, Inc.402 W. Liberty Drive WheatonIL60187 Maureen Kehoe
Tel: 630-668-7197
GEI Consultants, Inc.400 N, Lakeview Pkwy. Suite 140Vernon HillsIL60061 Nicole Klosowski
Tel: 312-985-0371
Government Contracts USA15 British American Blvd. LathamNY12110 BidNet
Tel: 800-677-1997
Habitat Research, LLC719 Laurel Ave. WilmetteIL60091 Karen Glennemeier
Tel: 224-548-9538
Huff & Huff, Inc.915 Harger Rd Ste 330Oak BrookIL60523-8771 Lailah Reich
Tel: 630-684-4415
Lake County Forest Preserves1899 W. Winchester Rd LibertyvilleIL60048 Lisa Roberts
Tel: 847-968-3210
Merjent Inc.1 Main Street SE, Suite 300 MinneapolisMN55414 Andy Jegerlehner
Tel: 920-944-8829
Onvia Inc509 Olive Way Suite 400SeattleWA98101 Source Management
Tel: 206-373-9000
Fax: 888-263-7801
Prime Vendor Inc.4622 Cedar Avenue WilmingtonNC28403 Kim Jones
Tel: 800-746-9554
SevenOutsource113 Barksdale Professional Center NewarkDE19711 Steve Walse
Tel: 315-308-7852
Fax: 315-308-7852
Stantec Consulting Services, Inc.532 W. Fifth Avenue NapervilleIL60563 David Bart
Tel: 608-301-7173
Tallgrass Restoration2221 Hammond Dr SchaumburgIL60173 Doug DeWitt
Tel: 847-925-9830
Fax: 847-925-9830
V37325 Janes Ave WoodridgeIL60517 Brad Millis
Tel: 630-512-1137
Wetlands Research INc.P. O. Box 225 WadsworthIL53104 Kathleen Paap
Tel: 847-774-9118
Project Number 24002
Date: 1/26/2024 11:00:00 AM
Title: 24002 Ecological Monitoring Services Provider
Bid Deposit: None
Addendum: 4
Purchasing Contact: Mike Zahalka