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Contract No. 23029 - 23029 Small Invasive Tree and Shrub Control

Project Number: 23029
Title: 23029 Small Invasive Tree and Shrub Control

The Lake County Forest Preserve is seeking up to two (2) full-time crews and one (1) part-time spring/summer crew to meet the specifications as described in Attachment B, Specifications to complete the Small Invasive Tree & Shrub Control 2024 projects.  The Projects are: NORTHERN FOREST PRESERVES, SOUTHERN FOREST PRESERVES and FOLIAR SPRAY ACROSS MULTIPLE SITES.  Contractors can provide bids for one, two or all three projects.

The scope of the work of this project shall include all labor and equipment to complete control of small stems of invasive trees and shrubs at multiple locations throughout Lake County, Illinois. Work shall include a variety of techniques including mechanical removal, hand cutting and application of herbicide to the stump, basal bark treatments or wick herbicide, or foliar application depending on which technique is most appropriate for the site, species to be controlled, and the threat of non-target mortality or herbicide damage to nearby native species: in particular, endangered or threatened plant species.  Stacking remaining woody debris into brush piles and ignition will be included in some locations and seasonal windows.  The Contractor shall provide all necessary equipment and tools including vehicles and fuel for travel.

Two Projects described in SECTION 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS shall be a unit price contract whereby the units are personnel hours for hand-cutting and herbicide application.  The Contractor shall only bill for hours spent on site implementing small, invasive woody stem control.  All other costs are incidental to hourly rates, including but not limited to travel, maintenance of equipment, use of an ATV/UTV and time to mix chemicals before traveling to the project site.  The Contractor shall provide all chemicals and adjuvants necessary for proper chemical mixes.  Water is generally not available on site.  It should be noted that some project areas represent the most remote areas of the site, and in some instances, may require walking long distances through deep water and dense vegetation.

One Project, where habitat conditions are appropriate, and as described in SECTION 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS, shall be a unit price contract whereby the units are number of acres for foliar herbicide application in the appropriate season. The Contractor shall provide all chemicals and adjuvants necessary for proper chemical mixes.  Water is generally not available on site.  It should be noted that some project areas represent the most remote areas of the site, and in some instances, may require walking long distances through deep water and dense vegetation.

Locations: Captain Daniel Wright Woods
Edward L. Ryerson Conservation Area
Gander Mountain
Grainger Woods
Grassy Lake
Lyons Woods
MacArthur Woods
Contact: Linda Thompson
Phone: 847-968-3325
Project Number: 23029
Title: 23029 Small Invasive Tree and Shrub Control
No events have been logged for this contracting opportunity.
Project Number: 23029
Title: 23029 Small Invasive Tree and Shrub Control
Baxter & Woodman Natural Resources8678 Ridgefield Road Crystal LakeIL60012 Coilin McConnell
Tel: 815-444-3205
Bluestem Ecological Services19812 W. Coral Road MarengoIL60152 Sarah A Voska
Tel: 847-732-9266
Central Tree, LLC14N705 US 20 Pingree GroveIL60140 Matt Damico
Tel: 847-989-9048
ChicagolandP.O. Box 3533 PeoriaIL61612 Bo Kim
Tel: 309-401-6167
Clean Cut Tree Service, Inc.31064 N IL Route 83 GrayslakeIL60030 Jenna Roark
Tel: 847-265-0000
DataBid433 Penn St. NewtownPA18940 Tania Campbell
Tel: 888-929-3282
DDAnalytics2860 S State Hwy 161, Ste. 160 #501Grand PrairieTX75052 Elaine Wilson
Tel: 413-507-0211
Fax: 609-336-2767
ENCAP, Inc.2585 Wagner Court DeKalbIL60115 Brett Suhayda
Tel: 815-748-4500
Hendricksen Tree care2131 S Foster WheelingIL60090 Robert Hendricksen
Tel: 847-767-8148
HGS, LLC dba RES Environmental Operating Co., LLC 33 North Dearborn Street, Suite 320 ChicagoIL60602 Travis Lanser
Tel: 262-895-9005
Fax: 713-520-5401
Integrated Lakes Management110 Le Baron St WaukeganIL60085 Debbie Budyak
Tel: 847-244-6662
Jeannie8330 W RIdge Dr Pleasant PrairieWI53158 Jeannie
Tel: 262-818-3280
Lake County Forest Preserves1899 W. Winchester Rd LibertyvilleIL60048 Lisa Roberts
Tel: 847-968-3210
Lake County Forest Preserves1899 W. Winchester Rd. LibertyvilleIL60048 Linda Thompson
Tel: 847-968-3325
Liberty Prairie Restorations LLC928 Bartlett Terrace LibertyvilleIL60048 Al Moody
Tel: 847-367-6311
Fax: 847-362-7969
McGinty Bros., Inc.3744 East Cuba Road Long GroveIL60047 Taylor Abrahamson
Tel: 847-526-9322
Fax: 847-526-7240
Native Restoration Services, Inc. 403 Rockland Road Suite 2Lake Bluff IL60044 Ryan Bovyn
Tel: 847-450-8290
Fax: 847-739-0964
Onvia Inc509 Olive Way Suite 400SeattleWA98101 Source Management
Tel: 206-373-9000
Fax: 888-263-7801
Prime Vendor Inc.4622 Cedar Avenue WilmingtonNC28403 Kim Jones
Tel: 800-746-9554
Tallgrass Restoration2221 Hammond Dr SchaumburgIL60173 Doug DeWitt
Tel: 847-925-9830
Fax: 847-925-9830
TGF Enterprises Inc530 North Ave LibertyvilleIL60048 Tom Flader
Tel: 847-968-2524
V37325 Janes Ave WoodridgeIL60517 Brad Millis
Tel: 630-512-1137
Project Number 23029
Date: 10/11/2023 2:00:00 PM
Title: 23029 Small Invasive Tree and Shrub Control
Bid Deposit: None
Addendum: N/A
Purchasing Contact: Linda Thompson


Download Bid Tabulation


Firm NamePriceDocuments
Integrated Lakes Management $464,250.00