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Upcoming Events

Restoration Workday
Old School

Bright sunny day casting shadows through the trees onto a grassy field of green

Restoration Workday
Old School

Tuesday, May 06

9 AM - 12 PM



Grab some work gloves, help restore the environment, and get a behind-the-scenes look at your preserves! Help our natural communities by removing invasive plants and helping native species thrive.

No experience necessary. Restoration Workdays occur in dozens of sites around the county, some on weekdays & some on weekends. No commitment or Volunteer Interest Form needed, only a volunteer waiver–come to as many workdays as you can!

Old School Workdays     Volunteer Waiver

New volunteers and groups of four or more, please reach to the Volunteer Site Steward to ensure we have enough supplies for everyone.

Children 10+ are welcome with an adult (and waiver signed by legal guardian). Please be on time; the group will often head off-trail and you may have a difficult time finding them.

Attire & Weather

Dress for the weather. Closed-toe shoes are required & long pants are recommended all year-round. Bring work gloves.

If the weather is questionable (e.g. thunderstorms, extreme heat or cold), please contact the Volunteer Site Steward before heading out to the scheduled workday.

Seasonal Projects

Brush clearing, garlic mustard control, planting

Garlic mustard control, wildlife monitoring, weed management, planting, seed collecting

Brush clearing, seed collection, tree & scrub planting

Brush clearing, sowing seed

Site Steward Information

Site Steward: Glen Moss, 630-569-2650
Meeting location varies, please contact Steward.

If you have any questions, please call our community engagement specialist at 847-968-3408.

Restoration Workday Sites


Volunteer Site Steward

Old School 28285 St. Mary's Road
Mettawa, IL, 60048

The District occasionally takes photographs or video of participants for promoting/advertising our programs, services, events, activities, and facilities in our brochures, website or agency social media, and other promotional avenues. By registering for, participating in or attending District programs, events, or other activities, the participant (or parent/guardian of a minor participant) irrevocably agrees to the use and distribution by the District of his or her image (or of his minor child/ward) in photographs, video recordings, and any other electronic reproductions of such programs, events and activities for any purpose without inspection or approval and without compensation, rights to royalties or any other consideration now and in the future.