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Upcoming Events

Wednesday, February 26
  • Restoration Workday: MacArthur Woods (09 AM - 12 PM)
    Event details
    Wednesday, February 26
    Photograph looking up through a patch of large oak trees with a bright blue sky above
    09 AM - 12 PM
    Grab some work gloves, help restore the environment, and get a behind-the-scenes look at your preserves!
  • Restoration Workday: Lyons Woods (09 AM - 11 AM)
    Event details
    Wednesday, February 26
    Winding walking trail that runs through the woods
    09 AM - 11 AM
    Grab some work gloves, help restore the environment, and get a behind-the-scenes look at your preserves!
Thursday, February 27
  • Native Gardener's Club: (06:30 PM - 07:30 PM)
    Event details
    Thursday, February 27
    Bright purple and yellow New England Aster flowers growing wild.
    06:30 PM - 07:30 PM
    Whether you are new to native gardening or a seasoned veteran, join us each month to learn about native plants and how to use them in your home landscapes.