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Upcoming Events

Thursday, April 03
  • Restoration Workday: MacArthur Woods (09 AM - 12 PM)
    Event details
    Thursday, April 03
    Photograph looking up through a patch of large oak trees with a bright blue sky above
    09 AM - 12 PM
    Grab some work gloves, help restore the environment, and get a behind-the-scenes look at your preserves!
  • Connecting Kids with Nature (10:30 AM - 11:45 AM)
    Event details
    Thursday, April 03
    10:30 AM - 11:45 AM
    Build a bridge to nature with your young ones. Experience how multisensory nature connections help young children develop healthy and happy brains and bodies. Time spent in nature is critical to children's social-emotional, and physical development. Child-centered, exploratory, imaginative play fosters creativity, emotional well-being, independent learning, and problem solving.
  • Homeschool Program (01:30 PM - 03 PM)
    Event details
    Thursday, April 03
    01:30 PM - 03 PM
    Learn the stories artifacts can tell by taking a closer look at quilts, clothing, and sewing artifacts in the exhibit, Threads of Time. We will then do activities and create crafts around the objects we discuss.
  • Frogs of Lake County (06:30 PM - 07:30 PM)
    Event details
    Thursday, April 03
    06:30 PM - 07:30 PM
    Join us for an exploration of the remarkable adaptations, fascinating behaviors, and unique calls of our local frogs and toads.
  • Family Frog Night (07 PM - 08:30 PM)
    Event details
    Thursday, April 03
    Green frog sitting on a branch staring right at you with his mouth open
    07 PM - 08:30 PM
    Learn about the unique life cycles and adaptations of frogs and toads as well as which species can be found in Lake County. Practice identifying different frog calls and then head out on the trail to listen for who's "croaking" in the woods at night.
Friday, April 04
  • Senior Series: (10 AM - 11:30 AM)
    Event details
    Friday, April 04
    10 AM - 11:30 AM
    Join us for a walk at Ethel's Woods as we enjoy the sights and sounds of spring.
Saturday, April 05
  • Birdwatching Hot Spots: (08 AM - 10 AM)
    Event details
    Saturday, April 05
    Photo of volunteer bird watchers at Fort Sheridan
    08 AM - 10 AM
    Join us at this Lake County birding hot spot to look for migratory bird species. Spotting scopes and binoculars will be available at our education table.
  • Walk with a Naturalist: (09 AM - 10:30 AM)
    Event details
    Saturday, April 05
    09 AM - 10:30 AM
    Join a naturalist and take a leisurely stroll through this beautiful preserve. Learn about the history of this site and take a close look at some of the interesting plants and animals that we come upon.
Thursday, April 10
  • Guided Tour (02 PM - 03 PM)
    Event details
    Thursday, April 10
    02 PM - 03 PM
    Join a history educator on a guided tour of the temporary exhibition, Threads of Time: Quilts and Textiles and take a closer look at the artifacts that provide a colorful glimpse into Lake County's past.
  • Evening Woodcock Walk (07 PM - 08:30 PM)
    Event details
    Thursday, April 10
    07 PM - 08:30 PM
    Join us for an opportunity to see the amazing courtship flight of the male American woodcock as he performs his areal courtship flight in the evening in the springtime marsh.
Saturday, April 12
  • Spring Bird Walk (07 AM - 09 AM)
    Event details
    Saturday, April 12
    07 AM - 09 AM
    April brings the beginning of songbird migration. Join skilled birders on these walks. Bring binoculars if you have them.
  • Restoration Workday: MacArthur Woods (09 AM - 12 PM)
    Event details
    Saturday, April 12
    Photograph looking up through a patch of large oak trees with a bright blue sky above
    09 AM - 12 PM
    Grab some work gloves, help restore the environment, and get a behind-the-scenes look at your preserves!
  • Caminata en Espanol (09:30 AM - 10:45 AM)
    Event details
    Saturday, April 12
    Group of people out with an instructor for Caminata en Espanol
    09:30 AM - 10:45 AM
    Únase a un educador ambiental y explore la reserva forestal Nippersink. Caminata es en Español y Ingles.
    Join an environmental educator and explore Nippersink Forest Preserve. Walk is in Spanish & English.
  • Landscaping with Native Plants (10 AM - 11:30 AM)
    Event details
    Saturday, April 12
    10 AM - 11:30 AM
    Discover the benefits of gardening with native plants. We'll cover the basics of how to get started including site inventory, plant selection, and maintenance.
Sunday, April 13
  • Sunday Stroll: (09 AM - 10:15 AM)
    Event details
    Sunday, April 13
    09 AM - 10:15 AM
    Join an Environmental Educator and take a leisurely stroll through one of our preserves. This is a great opportunity to get some exercise and learn about nature. Join us and take a closer look at plants, birds and other wildlife.
Tuesday, April 15
  • Senior Series (09 AM - 10 AM)
    Event details
    Tuesday, April 15
    09 AM - 10 AM
    Hear the story of the motion picture industry from the 1890s to 1910. Learn about Edward Amet's backyard movie studio in Waukegan and Lake County's connection to Essanay Studios in Chicago.
  • Wonders of Wood Warblers (06 PM - 07 PM)
    Event details
    Tuesday, April 15
    06 PM - 07 PM
    Members of the family Parulidae, wood-warblers are the colorful jewels of spring bird migration. Learn identification tips as well as the fascinating behaviors of these tiny dynamos during this indoor presentation.
Thursday, April 17
  • The Spring Frogs of Ryerson Woods (06:30 PM - 08:30 PM)
    Event details
    Thursday, April 17
    06:30 PM - 08:30 PM
    Join us as we learn the calls of our local springtime frogs. We will also talk about their adaptations and behaviors, followed by an evening stroll into the woods listening for their songs.
Saturday, April 19
  • Family Drop-In: (01 PM - 03 PM)
    Event details
    Saturday, April 19
    01 PM - 03 PM
    Welcome warblers and other migrating bird species back to Lake County through crafts and hands-on activities. Then take to the trails to practice spring migration identification!
  • Evening Woodcock Walk (07 PM - 08:30 PM)
    Event details
    Saturday, April 19
    07 PM - 08:30 PM
    Join us for an opportunity to see the amazing courtship flight of the male American woodcock as he performs his areal courtship flight in the evening in the springtime marsh.
Monday, April 21
  • Hike Through History: Raven Glen (05:30 PM - 07 PM)
    Event details
    Monday, April 21
    05:30 PM - 07 PM
    On this collaborative walk, join an environmental educator and history educator to explore Raven Glen and learn about both the land and the people who have lived here.
Tuesday, April 22
  • Birds and Blooms Walk (07 AM - 09 AM)
    Event details
    Tuesday, April 22
    07 AM - 09 AM
    Our local woodlands come alive with wildflowers and migrating birds in spring. Join us for a leisurely stroll and experience bursts of colorful birds in the tree tops and wildflowers on the forest floor during this morning walk to celebrate Earth Day.
  • Early Eve Ponding Program: (05 PM - 06 PM)
    Event details
    Tuesday, April 22
    Small frog in the palm of someone's hand
    05 PM - 06 PM
    Come out to Nippersink Forest Preserve to do some pond scooping. Participants will use nets to see what can be found under the water. Learn how to identify some of the aquatic critters using scientific pond keys and scopes.
Wednesday, April 23
  • Restoration Workday: MacArthur Woods (09 AM - 12 PM)
    Event details
    Wednesday, April 23
    Photograph looking up through a patch of large oak trees with a bright blue sky above
    09 AM - 12 PM
    Grab some work gloves, help restore the environment, and get a behind-the-scenes look at your preserves!
  • Playdate with Nature (01 PM - 02:30 PM)
    Event details
    Wednesday, April 23
    01 PM - 02:30 PM
    Move your kids outdoors for unstructured seasonal play, proven healthful and beneficial. Celebrate seasonal fun outdoors. Build mini habitats for toy animals and use natural materials and your imagination for creation. Try fort building, mud creations or other seasonal activities. Nature provides infinite possibilities to express creativity. See how nature ignites a spark in everyone.
Thursday, April 24
  • Native Gardener's Club: (06:30 PM - 07:30 PM)
    Event details
    Thursday, April 24
    06:30 PM - 07:30 PM
    Whether you are new to native gardening or a seasoned veteran, join us each month to learn about native plants and how to use them in your home landscapes.
Friday, April 25
  • Evening Woodcock Walk (07:15 PM - 08:30 PM)
    Event details
    Friday, April 25
    Photo of a Woodcock bird walking in the snow
    07:15 PM - 08:30 PM
    Join us to observe the spectacular evening sky dance of the American woodcock. One of Lake County's spring wonders, learn about this peculiar looking bird and its marvelous tactics to win over a mate.
Saturday, April 26
  • Birdwatching Hot Spots: (08 AM - 10 AM)
    Event details
    Saturday, April 26
    Photo of volunteer bird watchers at Fort Sheridan
    08 AM - 10 AM
    Join us at this Lake County birding hot spot to look for migratory bird species. Spotting scopes and binoculars will be available at our education table.
  • City Nature Challenge: Ryerson Bioblitz Event (10 AM - 01 PM)
    Event details
    Saturday, April 26
    Instructor showing a student a book on animal species
    10 AM - 01 PM
    Join other community scientists throughout the greater Chicago Region taking part in the City Nature Challenge. Educators at the Ryerson Welcome Center will orient you to the iNaturalist app (or Seek for young explorers) so you can take pictures and record wild plants and animals at Ryerson and later in your own backyard. Information gathered is used by scientists and researchers to better understand and care for nature throughout Lake County and beyond.
Sunday, April 27
  • Habitat Guide to Birding (08 AM - 10 AM)
    Event details
    Sunday, April 27
    08 AM - 10 AM
    You can find bobolink, cranes and warblers if you know where to look. This presentation reveals the lives of birds, how habitat is important and why your Lake County Forest Preserves are crucial to their continued success in our area.
  • Ryerson Net-Zero Energy Education Center (02 PM - 04 PM)
    Event details
    Sunday, April 27
    02 PM - 04 PM
    The Education Center is a net-zero energy building located within Ryerson Conservation Area, which means the building aims to produce as much energy as it consumes each year. Stop by between 2 and 4 PM and discover the strategies used to meet this goal.