While enjoying activities outside, don’t forget to take action to prevent bites from ticks that share our outdoor spaces. Ticks can infect humans and wildlife with bacteria, viruses and parasites that can cause serious illness.
There are two species of ticks in Lake County: deer tick (Ixodese scapularis) and wood tick (Dermacentor variabilis). Of these two species, only deer ticks can pass on Lyme disease. However, wood ticks, also referred to as American dog ticks, do have the ability to pass on other bacterial infections such as Rocky Mountain spotted fever and tularemia.
Wood Tick
Unlikely to transmit Lyme disease
Twice as large as a deer tick
Dark body with white markings near head (female)
Dark body with white markings covering back (male)
Found most commonly in grassy and shrubby areas
Also referred to as American dog tick
Can transmit bacterial infections, such as Rocky Mountain spotted fever and tularemia
Deer Tick
Can transmit Lyme disease
Very small in size
Brownish-orange with black spot near head (female)
All black with brown border on rear edge (male)
Found most commonly in wooded areas and leaf litter
Also referred to as black-legged tick
Can transmit other pathogens, such as Babesia and Anaplasma
Before You Go Outdoors
Choose light-colored, long sleeve clothing
Tuck long pants into socks
Apply insect repellent with DEET to your clothing (avoid your skin)
Products with permethrin can kill ticks; used to treat boots, clothing and gear for extended protection
During Outdoor Activities
Know where to expect ticks; most commonly found in wooded areas and tall grasses
Stay in center of trails when hiking; ticks wait on vegetation and grasp onto anything that passes
Keep lawns and grass around play equipment trimmed short
After You Come Indoors
Check your clothing and pets thoroughly
Remove ticks found on your clothing or pets and dispose of them
Place clothing in a dryer on high heat for one hour to kill ticks and prevent them from dropping off in your home to search for a host
Check your body thoroughly for ticks
Shower soon after coming inside; this provides the best view (also helps prevent poison ivy reactions)
If You Find a Tick Embedded in Your Skin
Follow suggestions above to find ticks on your body before they bite. If a tick is overlooked and is later found attached to the body:
Remove it immediately using small tweezers
Grasp the mouth parts, as close to your skin as possible
Pull it straight out slowly and avoid squeezing its body
Wash the wound site and your hands thoroughly
Visit a physician if unexplained rash or illness accompanied by fever develops